Logo and visual guidelines
Basic guidelines
Please make sure that the NDF logo is visible in your visual communication of the activity and/or project supported by the New Democracy Fund. We do not have any requirements as to the size of the logo or where the logo is placed specifically.
Where it is not possible to show the logo, please remember to credit the New Democracy Fund ex. by writing “The project is supported by New Democracy Fund”
Please remember to always tag us on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube) whenever you write about a project supported by New Democracy Fund or link to our website.
Download the logo
Visual communication and documentation of supported activities
We strongly encourage you to share pictures, videos, press clips, and any other visual documentation of your activities supported by New Democracy Fund in order for us to share stories about the work of our partners/beneficiaries. Please remember to let us know if any of the pictures and videos you submit should not be shared externally.
Do you have a good story?
We are always looking for good stories about NDF-supported initiatives to share on our platforms. Maybe your organisation accomplished something significant during the project period that we should communicate about? Perhaps your project had a special significance to one person involved who could be a case for an interview made by us? If you have a tip for a good story, please contact our communications manager, Rasmus Romulus Palludan, rrp@danishculture.com.
What should I do if I cannot use the logo due to political circumstances?
If you cannot use the logo due to political circumstances, you are free to leave out the logo and/or text stating that the initiative is supported by the NDF.
What logo should I use for projects supported by the NDF and one or more of the NDF consortium partners?
In such a case, we suggest using only the NDF logo, as this logo represents all consortium partners (unless another agreement is made with the involved consortium partner).