Open Call Supporting a Green and Just Transition in Moldova 

Open Call for New and Innovative Initiatives Supporting a Green and Just Transition in Moldova


We are launching a new call aimed at strengthening involvement and impact for civil society in Moldova in support of a Green and Just Transition. When Civil Society Actors from different sectors join in broader alliances or partnerships to promote common values, they can play a pivotal role to ensure a just, peaceful and sustainable green transition.  

Moldova is currently facing an energy supply crisis, and both the outcome of the parliamentary election in July 2025 and Moldova’s resubmission of National Determined Contributions for the UN Paris Treaty will have long-term impact for the progress of a Green and Just Transition.   

The call prioritizes initiatives that demonstrate a new or innovative approach to supporting a Green and Just Transition in Moldova. This can be activities focused on ideation, cross-thematic partnerships or involving new audiences, etc.  


Who can apply?

Civil Society Actors from Moldova working with Youth, Culture, Labor Market and Media with an interest in Green and Just Transition. Civil society actors are broadly defined as democratically organised CSOs, social movements, media, academia, labour market organisations as well as community-based groups and organisations, including cultural, educational, and knowledge institutions.  

The call is open for both Civil Society Actors with a high degree of experience in Green and Just Transition and Civil Society Actors with no or limited experience. 

Applicants can apply for grants of maximum 53.000 EURO. For grants between 13.400 EURO and 53.000 EURO it is a requirement that applications are submitted by minimum two different Civil Society Actors.  


We encourage Civil Society Actors with lesser experience to apply for minimum 6.705 EURO and maximum 13.400 EURO.  



What kind of projects do we support?

Funding is available for new and/or innovative initiatives focused on:   

  • Informing or seeking to impact in the discussion about solutions to Moldova’s urgent energy supply crisis.  
  • Informing or promoting civil society’s involvement in Moldova’s NDC’s (National Determined Contributions) to reduce CO2 emissions.   
  • Informing or seeking to impact the discussion about Green and Just Transition in relation to the parliamentary election in July 2025.  


🌍 Priority Areas:  

The call will prioritize projects that:  

  • Demonstrate new ways to reach involvement and impact for working with Green and Just Transition, for example by reaching new target groups or trying out new partnerships.   
  • Demonstrate a cross-sectoral approach to working with Green and Just Transition.  


💸 How to apply?

We will open for applications on March 14 after the Green and Just Transition Summit. Deadline for submitting your application is April 1.  

Apply for funding via this link (it will be active the 14th of March).


The Green and Just Transition Summit in Moldova

We encourage everyone with an interest in applying to join us at the Green and Just Transition Summit.

Read more about the Summit and register here. 


Looking for more information?  

💻 If you are looking for inspiration or information about the requirements for applications, please sign up for our webinar on March 20th 2025 at 10:00-10:30am (CET): 

📩 Questions? Reach out at 



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