20 · 06 · 2024

Open Call: Georgia’s civil society

The New Democracy Fund is ready to announce the initiation of a new open call for civil society organisations based in Georgia to receive funding. As of the 19th of June, we are launching this open call in recognition of the circumstances currently unfolding within the context of Georgia.

Our commitment remains to support civil society in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood countries, including Georgia. Through this open call, we aim to strengthen the resilience of various civil society actors in supporting the democratic development of Georgia.

Eligible applicants include democratically organised civil society organisations, social movements, media, academia, trade unions, as well as community-based groups and organisations. This call is also open to cultural, educational, and knowledge institutions operating within Georgia.

The New Democracy Fund supports civil society actors working within six thematic focus areas:
Green just transition, Culture, Gender, Labour market, Media, Youth.

What you need to know:

We invite interested civil society actors to apply for grants ranging from a minimum of €6,500 to a maximum of €13,000.

Please read the guidelines provided by our funding mechanism ‘Flexible Response Mechanism’ here

(Note, for this call it will NOT be a requirement to apply in partnership with a Danish organisation)


Apply via this link


Applications can be submitted on a rolling basis but should apply with the guidelines and application form valid on the day of submission.


For any enquiries, do not hesitate to contact us at frm@newdemocracyfund.org.


We encourage all eligible entities to participate in this opportunity, contributing to the resilience and vibrancy of Georgia’s civil society.

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